Words of Authors
La pédagogie du design graphique : comment interroger les acteurs ?
Under the supervision of Yann Aucompte
This new series of interviews addresses the issue of graphic design pedagogy. Their aim is to capture the opinions, methods, ideas and epistemological frameworks of teachers from very different educational institutions and traditions. They themselves obey a variety of methodologies in order to test different survey formats. - 2024/12
Cycle de conférences/rencontres avec des chercheurs (4)
Under the supervision of Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
This file follows a cycle of conferences with researchers and professionals from design, the arts and the media. It brings together the podcasts and the reports of the eight sessions that took place at Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2023-2024 - 2024/06
Le design et ses pratiques (volet 2). De la reconnaissance à l'action
Under the supervision of Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
This dossier contains around thirty interviews with French and foreign designers. The aim of this survey is to identify how these professionals feel their skills are recognised, and the link they make between their profession and a commitment to both ethics and politics. This field survey, conducted with the help of students from the Design, Arts, Media 2 master's programme (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), aims to test the hypotheses formulated in the research seminar Towards a critical theory of design. These interviews are preceded by a text outlining the purpose of the seminar and the general conclusions reached by the survey. - 2024/01
Filtering society : a discussion with Ambre Charpier, Matthew Fuller and Kim Sacks
Ambre Charpier, Matthew Fuller, Kim Sacks
Following Matthew Fuller and Kim Sacks’ discussion at the Matière/Matériau(x)/Medium colloquium on January 23, 2023, Ambre Charpier renewed this invitation to further the conversation with the intention of developing some of the theoretical ideas on filtering, cybernetics, systems theory and critical aesthetic practices. This conversation took place on October 31st 2023. - 2023/11
Rematérialiser le numérique : une conversation avec Laurence Allard, Kim Boutin et Anitra Lourie
Laurence Allard, Kim Boutin, Anitra Lourie
Following the Matière/Matériaux/Médium symposium at which researcher and lecturer Laurence Allard and designer Kim Boutin participated to Stratégies d'Occultation workshop, we invited them to continue the discussion around the question of re-materialization of the digital. This conversation between Laurence Allard, Kim Boutin and Anitra Lourie took place by videoconference on September 18, 2023.' keywords: 'Soundscape, ambiance, soundscape design, transculture, city sonic - 2023/11
Dialogues Design / métiers d'art
Under the supervision of Christophe Bardin
The Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris devotes a section to the relationship between design and craftsmanship. As part of a research project within our Master's program in Design, Crafts, and Art Industries, we have met with several designers. Our goal is to explore the collaborative process between designers and artisans in order to understand the creation of unique objects that showcase exceptional craftsmanship. - 2023/06
L’éthique des pratiques de design graphique dans les transformations apportées par la recherche en design
Under the supervision of Yann Aucompte
Cette série d'entretiens est extraite d’un travail d’enquête réalisé pour une thèse. Le sujet de ce doctorat était le graphisme français et le rôle que les idées y tiennent dans la production des formes. La sélection d’entretiens qui suit tend à montrer la diversité des attachements que les praticiens, enseignants et chercheurs acquièrent par l'expérience du métier de graphiste. - 2023/06
Cycle de conférences/rencontres avec des chercheurs (3)
Under the supervision of Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
This file follows a cycle of conferences with researchers and professionals from design, the arts and the media. It brings together the podcasts and the reports of the eight sessions that took place at Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2022-2023 - 2023/04
Le design et ses pratiques (volet 1). Questions de temps
Under the supervision of Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
This dossier contains some thirty interviews with French and foreign designers. The aim of this survey is to identify the way in which these professionals relate to time, and more precisely to the accelerated temporality of our late modernity. This field survey, conducted thanks to the students of the master 2 Design, Arts, Medias (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), thus aims to test the hypotheses formulated within the research seminar Towards a critical theory of design. These interviews are preceded by a text that outlines the purpose of this seminar and the general conclusions reached by this survey. - 2023/02
Ambiances et paysages audio urbains, questions à Philippe Franck, artiste sonore, chercheur et curateur…
Claire Azéma
Questions put to sound art specialist Philippe Franck (BE/FR). The interview was carried out in parallel with issue 5 of the DAM magazine, to enrich the subject with an opening to the question of the soundscape. - 2025/04
Entrevue avec Ludovic Duhem
Claire Azéma, Christian Malaurie
Interview with Ludovic Duhem, artist and philosopher, author of recent works on the Design of territories and ecosocial design. The meeting took place on board the Planque, on the river Lot on July 10th 2022, as part of the Poïpoïdrome Flottant, a collaborative work coordinated by Céline Domengie, whose prototype 01 was designed by the architect Susana Velasco, video by Guillaume Loiseau - 2025/04
Entretien avec Jocelyn de Noblet
Sophie Fétro
Interview with Jocelyn de Noblet, historian, theorist and teacher of material culture and design. The discussion took place at his home in Asnières-sur-Seine on 28 January 2022. Jocelyn de Noblet was director of the magazine Culture Technique from 1979 to 1994 (30 issues), editor and author of the exhibition catalogue Design miroir du siècle (Flammarion, 1993), founding member and advisor to the Japan Institute of Design (since 1995). He is the author of several books on design, including : Design, introduction à l'histoire de l'évolution des formes industrielles de 1820 à aujourd'hui (1974), Le geste et le compas (1988). He was also founder and director of the Centre de Recherche sur la Culture Technique (CRCT) from 1979 to 1995. - 2022/10
Entretien avec Ariane Prin
Sophie Fétro
Interview with the designer Ariane Prin, head of design for The Socialite Family. The exchange took place on Friday, January 7, 2022, in the Binet cupola of the Printemps Haussmann store, where she was exhibiting her Rust series, self-produced pieces made from recycled metal dust. Here she shares her creative journey, her projects and her vision of design. - 2022/10
Interview d'Ezio Manzini
Michela Deni, Thomas Watkin
This interview conducted on May 24, 2022 at the University of Nîmes with Ezio Manzini with Projektlab seeks to report on a long career in the field of design and social innovation as well as these latest reflections (from the books: Livable Proximity (English translation, 2022) and Politics of the Everyday (English translation, 2019). - 2022/06
Jalons pour une histoire de la Biennale internationale design Saint-Étienne (10). Entretien avec Thibault Huguet
Pauline Kuntz
Born in 1998 out of the desire of a few professors at the Saint-Étienne School of Fine Arts, supported and carried by its then director Jacques Bonnaval, the Saint-Étienne International Design Biennial has now become an event that is, if not unavoidable, at least major in the field, as well as in a singular local and regional landscape. The research project "A history of the biennial, incisions and bifurcations" proposes to look back over thirty years of design and design exhibitions in Saint-Étienne. A cycle of interviews is part of it. - 2022/04
Jalons pour une histoire de la Biennale internationale design Saint-Étienne (9). Entretien avec Laurent Grégori
Christophe Bardin
Born in 1998 out of the desire of a few professors at the Saint-Étienne School of Fine Arts, supported and carried by its then director Jacques Bonnaval, the Saint-Étienne International Design Biennial has now become an event that is, if not unavoidable, at least major in the field, as well as in a singular local and regional landscape. The research project "A history of the biennial, incisions and bifurcations" proposes to look back over thirty years of design and design exhibitions in Saint-Étienne. A cycle of interviews is part of it. - 2022/04
Totem, entretien avec Vincent Lemarchands
Christophe Bardin
The Totem group was composed of Jacques Bonnot, Frédérick du Chayla, Vincent Lemarchands and Claire Olives. Born in Lyon in 1980, claiming strong affinities with innovative and iconoclastic Italian design - in particular the Menphis group and Alchimia - it contributes, in the eighties, to this re-reading of French design. His designs are deliberately impertinent, offbeat and colorful, with an energy in creation that is reminiscent of the rock bands of the time, such as Téléphone, Starshooter and Marie et les garçons. The departure in 1986 of Claire Olives followed by Vincent Lemarchands marks the end of the adventure. - 2022/04
Cycle de conférences/rencontres avec des chercheurs (2)
Under the supervision of Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
Following a cycle of meetings with researchers from the fields of design, arts and media, this dossier brings together podcasts and reports from the eight sessions that took place at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2021-2022. - 2022/04
Jalons pour une histoire de la Biennale internationale design Saint-Étienne (8). Entretien avec Anya Sirota et Jean Louis Farges (studio Akoaki)
Virginie Belle
Née en 1998 de la volonté de quelques professeurs de l'école supérieure des Beaux-arts de Saint-Étienne, soutenue et portée par son directeur d'alors Jacques Bonnaval, la biennale internationale du design de Saint-Étienne est devenue aujourd'hui un événement sinon incontournable du moins majeur dans le domaine, comme dans un paysage local et régional singulier. Le projet de recherche « Une histoire de la biennale, incises et bifurcations », se propose de revenir sur plus de trente ans de design et d'exposition du design à Saint-Étienne. Un cycle d'interviews en participe. - 2021/12
Jalons pour une histoire de la Biennale internationale design Saint-Étienne (7). Entretien avec Michel Thiollière
Christophe Bardin
Née en 1998 de la volonté de quelques professeurs de l'école supérieure des Beaux-arts de Saint-Étienne, soutenue et portée par son directeur d'alors Jacques Bonnaval, la biennale internationale du design de Saint-Étienne est devenue aujourd'hui un événement sinon incontournable du moins majeur dans le domaine, comme dans un paysage local et régional singulier. Le projet de recherche « Une histoire de la biennale, incises et bifurcations », se propose de revenir sur plus de trente ans de design et d'exposition du design à Saint-Étienne. Un cycle d\'interviews en participe. - 2021/12
Jalons pour une histoire de la Biennale internationale design Saint-Étienne (6). Entretien avec matali crasset
Under the supervision of Emilie Philippe, Marion Erdodi, Julianne Lavie, Eva Libran Perez
Née en 1998 de la volonté de quelques professeurs de l'école supérieure des Beaux-arts de Saint-Étienne, soutenue et portée par son directeur d'alors Jacques Bonnaval, la biennale internationale du design de Saint-Étienne est devenue aujourd'hui un événement sinon incontournable du moins majeur dans le domaine, comme dans un paysage local et régional singulier. Le projet de recherche « Une histoire de la biennale, incises et bifurcations », se propose de revenir sur plus de trente ans de design et d'exposition du design à Saint-Étienne. Un cycle d\'interviews en participe. - 2021/12
Conférences de la Journée d'étude Workshop(s) 2 : Restitutions
Under the supervision of Pierre Bourdareau, Claire Azéma, Christian Malaurie
A study day devoted to the Workshop in art and design. In its limited duration, ephemeral and even performative dimension, the Workshop implies questioning its remains, its traces, its testimonies. - 2021/12
Conférences de la Journée d'étude Workshop (1) : Situations
Under the supervision of Pierre Bourdareau, Claire Azéma, Christian Malaurie
Study day dedicated to Workshop(s) in art and design. The workshop is first and foremost a practical situation that affects both educational and professional contexts. The aim of this first study day was to define the notion of workshop based on practical situations. - 2021/12
Entretien avec le designer Jules Levasseur
Sophie Fétro
Récemment installé à Semur-en-Auxois, en Bourgogne, Jules Levasseur développe une approche territoriale du design fondée sur un réseau d'acteurs locaux. Deux pièces viennent cette année d'entrer dans les collections du Centre Pompidou. Cet entretien fait écho au dossier thématique n°3 « Les arts de faire », relatif à l'acte I « Les modes d'existence de l'atelier en art(s) et en design» et l'acte II « Design du peu, pratiques ordinaires ». L'entretien qui va suivre relève d'une discussion avec Jules Levasseur, designer, qui s'est tenue le 6 mai 2021, par visioconférence. - 2021/09
Jalons pour une histoire de la Biennale internationale design Saint-Étienne (5). Entretien avec Anne-Marie Fèvre
Christophe Bardin
Born in 1998 out of the desire of a few professors at the Saint Etienne School of Fine Arts, supported and promoted by its then director Jacques Bonnaval, the Saint Etienne International Design Biennial has now become an event that is, if not unmissable, at least major in the field, as well as in a singular local and regional landscape. The research project "A history of the biennial, incises and bifurcations", aims to look back over thirty years of design and design exhibitions in Saint-Étienne. A series of interviews is part of it. - 2021/07
Jalons pour une histoire de la Biennale internationale design Saint-Étienne (4). Entretien avec Vincent Lemarchands
Christophe Bardin
Born in 1998 out of the desire of a few professors at the Saint Etienne School of Fine Arts, supported and promoted by its then director Jacques Bonnaval, the Saint Etienne International Design Biennial has now become an event that is, if not unmissable, at least major in the field, as well as in a singular local and regional landscape. The research project "A history of the biennial, incises and bifurcations", aims to look back over thirty years of design and design exhibitions in Saint-Étienne. A series of interviews is part of it. - 2021/07
Cycle de conférences/rencontres avec des chercheurs(1)
Under the supervision of Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
Following the cycle of meetings with researchers from the field of Design, Arts or Media, this file brings together the 8 conference sessions delivered at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2020-2021). - 2021/06
Interview de Paolo Deganello
Michela Deni, Natalia Derossi
This interview was conducted on February 6, 2021 following many informal exchanges on themes and issues that have evolved throughout the career and constitute the thoughts of Paolo Deganello, architect, designer, teacher and co-founder of Archizoom. - 2021/04
Interview de Franco Raggi
Michela Deni
This interview was conducted on February 5, 2021 following numerous exchanges on the culture of the project and the history of radical design. Franco Raggi is co-founder of Global Tools. - 2021/04
La forêt derrière les objets. Interview d’Andrea Trimarchi & Simone Farresin, Studio Formafantasma
Valentin Sanitas
The interview was conducted on November 23, 2020. Andrea Trimarchi & Simone Farresin constitute the Formafantasma Design Studio. This discussion follows on from the Cambio exhibition which opened on March 3 at the Serpentine Galerie in London. - 2020/12
Interview de Keren Detton
Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
The interview which was carried out on November 25, 2020. Keren Detton is currently director of the Frac Grand Large - Hauts-de-France, whose collection consists of contemporary works of art and design pieces. Echoing the thematic dossier devoted to the design exhibition - the very first of the magazine Design, Arts, Médias - she agreed to answer our questions. - 2020/12
Jalons pour une histoire de la Biennale internationale design Saint-Étienne (3). Entretien avec Marie-Haude Caraës
Marie Gresset, Mathilde Romand
Saint-Étienne Design Biennial, Marie Gresset, Mathilde Romand, Christophe Bardin, - 2020/12
Interview de Marie-Ange Brayer
Françoise Docquiert
The interview was carried out on October 28, 2020. Marie-Ange Brayer, curator, head of the design and industrial prospective service, Center Pompidou, Mnam / Cci (national museum of modern art / industrial creation center) agreed to respond to our questions around the question of the evolution of design and how to exhibit design. - 2020/12
Interview d’Alexander von Vegesack
Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
This interview was conducted on September 4, 2020. We indeed know the co-founder of the Vitra Design Museum, in Weil am Rhein (Germany), the passionate collector of design, contemporary art and crafts, but that do we know the route of a man who has lived 1000 lives? - 2020/12