Thematic Issues
Design et arts plastiques : points de convergence
Directed by Aurélie Michel
The history of the visual arts and design reveals both conjunctions and divergences within these two fields. Their objectives are certainly different, but they also share common questions that go beyond a simple opposition between utility and uselessness. This dossier will therefore provide an opportunity to explore the areas where design and the visual arts can engage in dialogue, creating fruitful cross-fertilizations between the methods and processes specific to each field. - 2024/11
Les vulnérabilités à l’épreuve de la sobriété : apports et perspectives pour les disciplines de conception
Directed by Béatrice Gisclard, Marine Royer
The increasing scarcity of resources and environmental constraints are having a major impact on design issues. What changes can be made to project design to take account of these vulnerabilities? These new forms of sobriety, far from impoverishing projects, allow them to be deployed in creative or even militant ways, opening up dynamic and lively perspectives. - 2024/05
Matière/Matériau(x)/Médium: des controverses fécondes
Directed by Collectif DAM
Le dossier, autour des notions de matière, matériaux et médium, interroge les enjeux contemporains de la matérialité dans les pratiques des arts, du design et des médias. Ce numéro met en valeur un regard critique sur les questions formelles, depuis l’analyse des pratiques plastiques jusqu’aux nombreuses discussions philosophiques qui jalonnent l’histoire du matérialisme. - 2023/12
Femmes de sciences
Directed by Anne-Lyse Renon
Comment confronter, relire, remettre en question le rôle des femmes à la croisée des historiographies en sciences, arts et design ? Sans réduire les rôles dévolus à la création et à la recherche, mais au contraire en regardant les frottements, les confrontations, les nuances, les paradoxes et démarcations entre pratiques et savoirs, ce dossier propose de réfléchir les histoires ensemble, mais également leurs spécificités. - 2023/06
Faire avec le milieu : Art, Design et médialités du paysage
Directed by Claire Azéma, Christian Malaurie
This issue presents the making of the landscape in its relationship to the milieu in which it is established. The medialities of landscape elaborated by design and art are presented here through a multidisciplinary approach that renews the questions that landscape poses to design, landscape design and art. - 2025/04
Systèmes : logiques, graphies, matérialités
Directed by Kim Sacks, Victor Guégan
Logical systems, graphic systems, material systems. Through these notions, this issue of the journal documents the shapes of computational logics within the practices of design, visual arts and media. The articles that it assembles examine the logical and technical infrastructures that govern aesthetic practices since the rise of cybernetics and the emergence of computer-assisted creation. - 2022/04
Les Arts de faire : Acte 2 - Design du peu, pratiques ordinaires
Directed by Sophie Fétro
Design du peu, pratiques ordinaires constitutes act II of the thematic dossier devoted to the Arts of making. It questions the creative practices in a context of scarcity, reduction and lack, but also those who decide to make a deliberate choice out of the few means, a happy, critical, sometimes militant art of making, betting that a poetry can emanate from the few things. - 2021/12
Les Arts de faire : Acte 1 - Les modes d'existence de l'atelier en Arts et en Design
Directed by Claire Azéma
This publication constitutes act I of the thematic dossier devoted to the Arts of making. Here, the Workshop is not understood as a framework for the inscription of practices, but as a complex, heterogeneous, moving and constantly adapting ensemble of doing. The articles gathered in this issue give an account of the variety of ways of doing taken in situation in their mobility and their complexity. - 2021/11
Design & industrie à l’ère de l’Anthropocène
Directed by Gwenaëlle Bertrand, Maxime Favard
Ce présent recueil de textes constitue une nécessité conceptuelle qui ne s’accomplit qu’à travers l’épreuve complémentaire du design. Réciproquement, les designers peuvent trouver du sens à ce travail de recherche comme autant d’éléments analytiques à disposition pour réinterroger les pratiques. - 2021/07
L'Exposition de design
Directed by Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
When we published the call for contributions "The design exhibition", we imagined receiving proposals which would question the specificities of design exhibitions by comparing them with art exhibitions, by returning to an experience of curating, by immersing oneself in the design project as an exhibition space ... Our intention was to lay the foundations for a comparative expology of design exhibitions: the articles collected did not disappoint our expectations. - 2020/12