Call for papers
Design et abstractions
David Bihanic, Philippe Marin
For this ninth issue, the online scientific journal Design, Arts, Médias is launching a call for contributions on the study of relationships between design and abstractions, in the context of its creative and inventive/innovative approaches (also tactical, strategic ones), as well as its methods and tools for both projection/anticipation and implementation. - 2024/12
Design et arts plastiques : points de convergence
Aurélie MICHEL
Fine arts, Design - 2024/05
Les vulnérabilités à l’épreuve de la sobriété : apports et perspectives pour les disciplines de conception
Béatrice Gisclard, Marine Royer
For this seventh thematic issue, the journal Design, Arts, Médias is calling for contributions on the subject of vulnerability, its links with sobriety and the ways in which it informs design projects. By putting the concepts of vulnerability and sobriety into perspective in our "risk society", we hope to raise interdisciplinary and inter-professional questions in the fields of design, architecture and urban planning. We'll be looking at the ways in which they renew the way we design, focusing in particular on access to resources, capacities for action, survival strategies, means of subsistence, the quest for meaning, and people's empowerment. - 2023/11
Matière/Matériau(x)/Médium : des controverses fécondes
Collectif DAM
For its sixth " Thematic issue ", the online journal Design, Arts, Médias calls for contributions focusing on the notions of matter, materials and medium. Collectively directed by the Collectif DAM, this issue aims to bring together articles questioning contemporary issues of materiality in art, design and media practices. This edition will highlight articles that take a critical look at formal issues, from the analysis of plastic practices to the many philosophical discussions that punctuate the history of materialism. - 2023/06
Women in Sciences
Anne-Lyse Renon
Pour ce cinquième Dossier thématique, la revue en ligne Design, Arts, Médias lance un appel à contribution autour des relations entre femmes et sciences. Comment confronter, relire, remettre en question le rôle des femmes à la croisée des historiographies en sciences, arts et design ? Sans réduire les rôles dévolus à la création et à la recherche, mais au contraire en regardant les frottements, les confrontations, les nuances, les paradoxes et démarcations entre pratiques et savoirs, comment peut-on penser les histoires ensemble, mais également leurs spécificités ? Quels nouveaux enjeux critiques pour penser le rôle des femmes en tant que créatrices de savoirs ? Particulièrement sensible à la place des femmes dans la théorisation du design et des médias, ce numéro souhaite accueillir des contributions en histoire visuelle et culturelle, sociologie, philosophie, anthropologie des sciences humaines et sociales, de l'art, du design et de l'architecture, depuis le début du XXe siècle. - 2022/12
Faire avec le milieu : Art, Design et médialité du paysage
Claire Azéma, Christian Malaurie, Aurélie Michel
Après avoir coordonné en 2021, le premier volet du numéro double sur les Arts de faire concernant la question des Modes d’existence de l’Atelier en art et en design, nous souhaitons interroger en 2022 : les manières de fabriquer le paysage en arts et en design et dans les médias. Une révolution symbolique est actuellement à l’œuvre, nous aimerions en faire état et en anticiper les possibles. - 2022/04
Systèmes : logiques, graphies, matérialités
Victor Guégan, Kim Sacks
For its fourth "Thematic Issue", the online journal Design, Arts, Media calls for contributions on the subject of computational logic within the realm of design, art and media practices. This issue, edited by Victor Guégan et Kim Sacks, intends to bring together articles that will question the logical and technical infra-structures that govern aesthetic practices, in the context of computer-assisted creation. - 2021/07
Arts de faire - Acte 1 / Acte 2
Claire Azéma, Sophie Fétro
For its third "Thematic Issues", the online magazine Design, Arts, Media is launching a call for contributions for an issue devoted to the Arts to Do. Act 1, directed by Claire Azéma, questions the lifestyles of the workshop in arts and design. Act 2, directed by Sophie Fétro, will deal with the Design of the Little and ordinary practices. Proposals return for February 25 - 2021/01
Design & industrie à l’ère de l’Anthropocène
Gwenaëlle Bertrand, Maxime Favard
For its second "Thematic Issue", the online journal Design, Arts, Médias calls for contributions around the current relationship between design and industry. The dossier, led by Gwenaelle Bertrand and Maxime Favard, aims to bring together articles that will attempt to analyze the evolution of design conception, techniques, industrial production methods and their margins in the Anthropocene era. - 2021/01
L’exposition de design
Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
For its first "Thematic Dossier", the online magazine Design, Arts, Médias is launching a call for contributions around the design exhibition. The dossier, directed by Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz, aims to bring together articles that will try to identify the specificity of this type of event through the objects exhibited, the places and modalities of exhibitions, the professions inherent in the design and realization of these demonstrations, the know-how, the methods and the scientific disciplines that mobilize the study of these exhibitions. - 2020/12