

Éditorial n°9
Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
The ninth issue of our magazine seems to question practice. What exactly is it about? - 2024/12
Éditorial n°8
Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
What's the point of an e-zine editorial? To give color to the issue it opens? In our case, it's more a question of unity of tone for issue 8 of _Design, Arts, Médias_, as for all its predecessors. Rereading our magazine's editorials before writing this one, it's basically the critical spirit that, once again, drives our editorial line. But this critical spirit does not go without being propositional. Translated with (free version) - 2024/05

Thematic Issues

Design et arts plastiques : points de convergence
Directed by Aurélie Michel
The history of the visual arts and design reveals both conjunctions and divergences within these two fields. Their objectives are certainly different, but they also share common questions that go beyond a simple opposition between utility and uselessness. This dossier will therefore provide an opportunity to explore the areas where design and the visual arts can engage in dialogue, creating fruitful cross-fertilizations between the methods and processes specific to each field. - 2024/11
Les vulnérabilités à l’épreuve de la sobriété : apports et perspectives pour les disciplines de conception
Directed by Béatrice Gisclard, Marine Royer
The increasing scarcity of resources and environmental constraints are having a major impact on design issues. What changes can be made to project design to take account of these vulnerabilities? These new forms of sobriety, far from impoverishing projects, allow them to be deployed in creative or even militant ways, opening up dynamic and lively perspectives. - 2024/05


Ellie Wyatt, PARALLAX : Conspiracy Theories Details and the Act of Looking Closely
Ambre Charpier
In her first book, artist-researcher Ellie Wyatt tackles the conceptual crisis between seeing, knowing and believing. This collection of contributions by various authors, essays by Ellie Wyatt and visual works invites us to examine the conditions of production and circulation of contemporary images. - 2024/05
Catherine Geel et Claire Brunet, Le design, histoire, concepts, combats
Claire Azéma
In this book, the authors present elements of their courses and research articulated in a common text. This text seeks to establish and clarify the links between the history of the discipline and the concepts that enable or have enabled it to be thought of or its practices to evolve according to the times and situations. - 2025/04

Words of Authors

La pédagogie du design graphique : comment interroger les acteurs ?
Under the supervision of Yann Aucompte
This new series of interviews addresses the issue of graphic design pedagogy. Their aim is to capture the opinions, methods, ideas and epistemological frameworks of teachers from very different educational institutions and traditions. They themselves obey a variety of methodologies in order to test different survey formats. - 2024/12
Cycle de conférences/rencontres avec des chercheurs (4)
Under the supervision of Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
This file follows a cycle of conferences with researchers and professionals from design, the arts and the media. It brings together the podcasts and the reports of the eight sessions that took place at Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2023-2024 - 2024/06


Glass in contemporary sculpture
Andreja Prokopijevic
Cet article analyse l'utilisation du verre, le processus de fabrication du verre et ses perspectives dans l'art contemporain à travers des exemples d'expressions artistiques diverses et de différents médiums artistiques. Le verre et les techniques associées sont traditionnellement associés aux arts appliqués. Moins connues sont les pratiques artistiques contemporaines qui utilisent principalement le verre dans leur expression. L'objectif de cet article est de questionner ce matériau, ses qualités et son potentiel dans l'art contemporain, en particulier dans le domaine de la sculpture. Une autre question qui se pose est celle de savoir comment les caractéristiques du verre peuvent être interprétées différemment d'un point de vue sculptural, pictural ou d'installation. En conséquence, l'article examine la notion de contemporanéité et les valeurs dans l'art contemporain. - 2024/12
Fast publication : l’homogénéisation visuelle des templates web comme conséquence du prêt-à-publier
Emma Ramstein, Nolwenn Maudet
Why do web templates look so similar ? Studying the different actors involved in the standardization of templates, we show that templates are now less seen as starting points and more as *ready-to-publish* solutions. Template catalogs focus on the visual aspect of templates so that non-professionals can more easily relate to them. Stock images act as primary design elements and relegates layout and web design editing to mere customization. - 2024/12

Call for papers

Design et abstractions
David Bihanic, Philippe Marin
For this ninth issue, the online scientific journal Design, Arts, Médias is launching a call for contributions on the study of relationships between design and abstractions, in the context of its creative and inventive/innovative approaches (also tactical, strategic ones), as well as its methods and tools for both projection/anticipation and implementation. - 2024/12
Design et arts plastiques : points de convergence
Aurélie MICHEL
Fine arts, Design - 2024/05