Instructions to authors

Sending proposals for articles

Proposals (of 3000 signs) must be sent to the journal at the following address: They must include a title, the author's first name and name and a few lines of presentation (quality, institutional affiliation or place of exercise of the profession, one or two references).
In the case of a thematic dossier, proposals must be sent to the officials in the call for contributions.

Sending articles

For a Thematic Issue, the articles must not exceed 50,000 signs, including spaces. All shipments included, in the following order:

  1. A biography of the authors of about 350 signs (including spaces) including the first name (in tiny) and the author's name (in capital letters), his function, his institution of attachment, his email address and, possibly, an electronic link to a personal page.

  2. The title, the text (indicating the location of the images in the form of Figure1. Title), footnotes, bibliography respecting the recommendations presented below.

  3. A French (or original language) summary of the text of about 500 signs (including spaces), an English version of this summary. The summaries are accompanied by 5 French keywords (or in the original language), 5 English keywords.

  4. Rights-free images provided in a separate folder of the text, accompanied by captions and certificates relating to reproduction rights.

General presentation of the texts

The texts are to be delivered in Word file, Arial, body 12, interline 1.5. They are presented in the simplest way possible. The levels of titles, paragraphs, quotes, and captions of the images are well identified. The levels of titles and subtitles must be distinguished (ban automatic numbering), without exceeding 3 title levels. Note: 1. Part 1, 1.1 Sub-party, etc.

Paragraphs do not begin with a withdrawal (left margin). They are not separated by line breaks within the same party or sub-part.

Capitals and acronyms

Accentuate capitals.

To highlight a word or group of words, use italics instead of fat.

The acronyms are shown without points. They must be developed the first time they appear in the texts and are written in capital letters (e.g. RATP, CNRS). On the other hand, acronyms (those that are easily pronounced such as Unesco or Afnor for example) are written in tinys with an initial capital. The acronyms of less than 4 letters are systematically in capital letters (e.g., UN, CEO).

Titles (books, films, works, etc.) and words in a foreign language must be written in italics.


Do not put space before the comma and point.

The semicolon, exclamation point, two-point and quotation marks are preceded by an inseparable space and followed by ane space.

Suspension points: stick to the word in front of them and separate from the word that follows them by the normal white of the line.


They are made in Roman character, they are framed by quotation marks « French »

When one quote includes another, the inner quotation must be marked with "English" quotation marks.

For a quotation, quotation marks and italics are never used, except for foreign-language quotations (which will have to be translated into footnotes).

Notes and bibliography

References must be indicated in a footnote (Arial 10) and/or bibliography (Arial 12) but are not appealed in the text in parentheses (Dupont, 2020).

Note calls appear in the text by exhibiting and in continuous numbering. The notes are placed at the bottom of the relevant page.

When a note call is about a quote, the exhibitor places himself inside the quotation marks, glued to the last word

In the bibliographical list, references are presented in alphabetical order.

The following abbreviations are in italics: ibid., op. cit., cf.

To mention page 26 and below, write: p. 26 sq.

Writing notes and bibliographies

Notes and bibliographies are written as follows (a comma separates each of the elements): Name, first name in full, title in italics, city, publisher, coll. "XXXX," year, p. XXX.

In the event that the reference is an article within a collective work, quote the title of the article, and in italics the title of the book: Name, first name in its entirety, "article title in quotation marks," in Name, full first name, italic title of the book,city, publisher, coll. "XXX," year, p. XXX.

In the event that the reference is an article within a journal, put in quotation marks the title of the article, and in italics the title of the magazine: Name, first name in full, article title in quotation marks, italic title of the magazine,number (n°. XX), month/year, p. XXX.

The first bibliographical occurrence must include, in footnote, all the elements necessary for a reference. For subsequent occurrences:

  1. use op.cit. to designate a work mentioned above in the text: in italics and preceded by the name of the author and the title of the book.

    1. ibid use. which refers to the same references as the note that immediately precedes, in italics and simply followed by the page number. Ex.: Ibid., p. 45

If several editions of the same book are cited:

Name, first name in full, italic title of the book, city, publisher of the first edition, year, page; date, editor of the publishing consulted, year,

The images

Images must be provided by the authors and sent separately in jpeg format: minimum format: 800 x 600 pixels, optimum format: 2,048 x 1,520 pixels. If they are too heavy, they can be reduced. On the other hand, if they are smaller than the minimum format indicated, they cannot be used.

The location of the images should be indicated in the text.

Provide (brief) captions and a list of sources.

The images must be free of rights: provide all certificates. In case a necessary image of the subject is not free of rights, indicate an internet link in footnote. In the event of a dispute, the review will not be held responsible.

All of these guidelines apply to all sections.

The only difference is the number of signs. Articles for Reviews, Authors' Words and Varia will not exceed 35,000 signs (including spaces)