Ellie Wyatt, PARALLAX : Conspiracy Theories Details and the Act of Looking Closely
Ambre Charpier
In her first book, artist-researcher Ellie Wyatt tackles the conceptual crisis between seeing, knowing and believing. This collection of contributions by various authors, essays by Ellie Wyatt and visual works invites us to examine the conditions of production and circulation of contemporary images. - 2024/05
Catherine Geel et Claire Brunet, Le design, histoire, concepts, combats
Claire Azéma
In this book, the authors present elements of their courses and research articulated in a common text. This text seeks to establish and clarify the links between the history of the discipline and the concepts that enable or have enabled it to be thought of or its practices to evolve according to the times and situations. - 2025/04
Bernard Dyonisus Geoghegan, Code. From Information Theory to French Theory
Occitane Lacurie
Code. Bernard Dyonisus Geoghegan's From Information Theory to French Theory is an epistemological investigation of two of the most influential philosophical frameworks of the 20th century: cybernetic thought, insofar as it permeated the technologies that shaped the coming millennium, and French theory, whose readers include some of the most important theorists in the contemporary humanities. - 2023/06
Tung-Hui Hu, Digital Lethargy, Dispatches from an Age of Disconnection.
Kim Sacks
Tung-Hui Hu's book, Digital Lethargy, Dispatches from an Age of Disconnection, offers an analysis of lethargy by linking these patterns of behavior to issues of race, objectification of bodies, discrimination and their occurrences through digital capitalism’s supply chain. - 2022/11
Hito Steyerl, De l’art en duty free : L’art à l’époque de la guerre civile planétaire
Ambre Charpier
Récemment publié aux Presses du réel, De l'art en duty free : L'art à l'époque de la guerre civile planétaire est le dernier ouvrage en date de l'artiste vidéaste, critique d'art et écrivaine Hito Steyerl. Originellement paru en 2017 aux éditions indépendantes américaines Verso, ce recueil de quinze essais nous rappelle, avec la vivacité, l'humour tranchant et la surabondance spectaculaire qui caractérisent les pratiques esthétiques d'Hito Steyerl, que l'art est une forme de politique. - 2022/04
Emmanuel Guy, Le Jeu de la guerre de Guy Debord. L’émancipation comme projet.
Kim Sacks
Emmanuel Guy's book, Le Jeu de la guerre de Guy Debord, L'émancipation comme projet, discusses the history of the Jeu de la guerre in relation to the history of what it is the custom to call design. Through this complex historical perspective, the book questions the emancipation strategy from the society of the spectacle. - 2021/12
Le Countryside de Rem Koolhaas, à la conquête d'un ignored realm (suite et fin)
Antonella Tufano
This article continues the critical analysis of the exhibition Countryside, The Future (Guggenheim, February 2020 - February 2021) curated by Rem Koolhaas, Troy Conrad Therrien and Samir Bantal. We'll get right into what lies behind the term countryside in the Dutch architect's intentions. - 2021/07
Pro_création. Lire l’exposition au-delà des murs
Cassandra Bonnafous, Valentine Mathieu, Frédérique Moal
The Master 2 diploma "Design, Arts, Media" is granted at the end of defenses where we ask, in addition to an academic thesis of research, to produce a project and put it in space. In order to create links between these Students of Master 2 and the Bachelor 3 of the same stream, an exhibition of these projects (promotion 2019-2020) was organized in the premises of the School of Arts of the Sorbonne. On this occasion, three young designers turned into critics in order to question, beyond this event, the contribution of digital technology to exhibitions. - 2021/07
Delphine Jacob, Lionel Blaisse, Aurélien Jeauneau : Pierre Guariche.
Christophe Bardin
Published by Norma, the book on Pierre Guariche retraces the life and work of this French designer in the France of reconstruction and the thirty glorious years. - 2021/07
Sandra Rendgen, Le système Minard. Anthologie des représentations statistiques de Charles-Joseph Minard.
Pierre Bourdareau
The Minard system is the French translation of Sandra Rendgen's book, The Minard System, published in 2018 in the United States by Princeton Architectural Press. The book is published in French by B42 and is in line with this Parisian publishing house centered on visual culture, completing a set of publications devoted to mapping and data visualization. - 2021/04
Le Countryside de Rem Koolhaas, à la conquête d’un ignored realm.
Antonella Tufano
The new exhibition proposed by the architecture firm OMA with its research studio, AMO, is entitled Countryside, the Future. It opened at the Guggenheim Museum in New York in February 2020 and, in the wake of the global pandemic, closed a year later. Having been the subject of preparation and research for a decade, it was to mark a decisive personal and professional turning point in the work of the curator and founder of the OMA, architect Rem Koolhaas. - 2021/04
Laurence Corbel et Christophe Viart (dir.), Paperboard. La conférence performance : artistes et cas d’études
Pauline Nobécourt
Through a few cases of study, Laurence Corbel and Christophe Viart consider, from different points of view, the artistic recovery of an academic genre: the conference. - 2021/04
Francesca Cozzolino (dir.), La création en actes. Enquête autour d’une exposition de Pierre di Sciullo
Jean-Paul Fourmentraux
This article proposes to explore new forms of writing at the crossroads of social sciences, art and graphic design. It is based on an experimental publishing experience resulting from an interdisciplinary research-creation project initiated at EnsadLab (Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs de Paris) and which gave rise to the digital work entitled: La création en actes. Investigation around an exhibition by Pierre di Sciullo. - 2021/04
Gherghescu, Mica et Gueye-Parmentier, Laurence (dir.), La Fabrique de l’histoire de l’art. 200 revues 1903-1969
Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
Directed by Mica Gherghescu and Laurence Gueye-Parmentier, published by Textual Editions (September 2020), La Fabrique de l’histoire de l’art. 200 revues 1903-1969 lists and puts into perspective, throughout 440 pages, a choice of journals that have "manufactured" the history of art, literature, architecture, design… - 2021/04
Catherine, De Smet, Pour une critique du design graphique
Margaux Moussinet
For a review of graphic design is a reissue of a book of the same name published in 2012 by B42. Written by Catherine de Smet, an art historian specialised in graphic design, these essays are a must for anyone interested in graphic design. - 2021/04
Timothy, Morton, Hyperobjets : philosophie et écologie après la fin du monde
Hanne Reibre
This article deals with Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World, written by Timothy Morton, published in 2018. The author offers us a new perspective on the ecological emergency, based on the idea that "hyperobjects "are problems to be approached from a point of view shifted from the anthropocentrism that subsists in thought. - 2020/12
Anne-Lyse, Renon, Design & sciences
Christophe Bardin
Design & sciences * is a small book (200 pages, pocket size) written by Anne-Lyse Renon and published by the Presses Universitaires de Vincennes. - 2020/12