

Éditorial n°8
Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
What's the point of an e-zine editorial? To give color to the issue it opens? In our case, it's more a question of unity of tone for issue 8 of _Design, Arts, Médias_, as for all its predecessors. Rereading our magazine's editorials before writing this one, it's basically the critical spirit that, once again, drives our editorial line. But this critical spirit does not go without being propositional. Translated with (free version) - 2024/05
Éditorial n°7
Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
Editorial n°7 - 2023/12

Thematic Issues

Les vulnérabilités à l’épreuve de la sobriété : apports et perspectives pour les disciplines de conception
Directed by Béatrice Gisclard, Marine Royer
The increasing scarcity of resources and environmental constraints are having a major impact on design issues. What changes can be made to project design to take account of these vulnerabilities? These new forms of sobriety, far from impoverishing projects, allow them to be deployed in creative or even militant ways, opening up dynamic and lively perspectives. - 2024/05
Matière/Matériau(x)/Médium: des controverses fécondes
Directed by Collectif DAM
Le dossier, autour des notions de matière, matériaux et médium, interroge les enjeux contemporains de la matérialité dans les pratiques des arts, du design et des médias. Ce numéro met en valeur un regard critique sur les questions formelles, depuis l’analyse des pratiques plastiques jusqu’aux nombreuses discussions philosophiques qui jalonnent l’histoire du matérialisme. - 2023/12


Ellie Wyatt, PARALLAX : Conspiracy Theories Details and the Act of Looking Closely
Ambre Charpier
In her first book, artist-researcher Ellie Wyatt tackles the conceptual crisis between seeing, knowing and believing. This collection of contributions by various authors, essays by Ellie Wyatt and visual works invites us to examine the conditions of production and circulation of contemporary images. - 2024/05
Catherine Geel et Claire Brunet, Le design, histoire, concepts, combats
Claire Azéma
In this book, the authors present elements of their courses and research articulated in a common text. This text seeks to establish and clarify the links between the history of the discipline and the concepts that enable or have enabled it to be thought of or its practices to evolve according to the times and situations. - 2024/10

Words of Authors

Cycle de conférences/rencontres avec des chercheurs (4)
Under the supervision of Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
This file follows a cycle of conferences with researchers and professionals from design, the arts and the media. It brings together the podcasts and the reports of the eight sessions that took place at Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2023-2024 - 2024/06
Le design et ses pratiques (volet 2). De la reconnaissance à l'action
Under the supervision of Catherine Chomarat-Ruiz
This dossier contains around thirty interviews with French and foreign designers. The aim of this survey is to identify how these professionals feel their skills are recognised, and the link they make between their profession and a commitment to both ethics and politics. This field survey, conducted with the help of students from the Design, Arts, Media 2 master's programme (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), aims to test the hypotheses formulated in the research seminar Towards a critical theory of design. These interviews are preceded by a text outlining the purpose of the seminar and the general conclusions reached by the survey. - 2024/01


Moments techniques en design graphique : du medium dans l’histoire des idées et des pratiques
Yann Aucompte
This article aims to analyze the representations of the medium used in graphic design circles with History of idea and the philosophy of techniques. Here we choose four significant moments for the practice of design: medium-controlled-by-science, material-essence-medium, normative-network-medium, expressive-medium. History and philosophy can restore the major societal issues at work behind the descriptions of technology that we have inherited. This short overview of definitions allows us to situate the transformations and circulations of our representations of the medium: they are produced by the literate class of the society, they do give a certain turnaround to our perceptions. - 2024/05
Les dimensions de l'espace sonore : concevoir l'expérience du public dans une installation immersive
Agathe Simon
Following residencies in the polar regions, Arctic Music, a 5.1 immersive sound installation, is created. During the post-production, the question arises of how best to conceive the experience of the public within such an apparatus. Yet spatialization enables three dimensions of sound space to be deployed: aesthetic, kinaesthetic, and political. It thus offers a singular experience, potentially opening up the audience to an ecological awareness. - 2023/11

Call for papers

Design et arts plastiques : points de convergence
Aurélie MICHEL
Fine arts, Design - 2024/05
Les vulnérabilités à l’épreuve de la sobriété : apports et perspectives pour les disciplines de conception
Béatrice Gisclard, Marine Royer
For this seventh thematic issue, the journal Design, Arts, Médias is calling for contributions on the subject of vulnerability, its links with sobriety and the ways in which it informs design projects. By putting the concepts of vulnerability and sobriety into perspective in our "risk society", we hope to raise interdisciplinary and inter-professional questions in the fields of design, architecture and urban planning. We'll be looking at the ways in which they renew the way we design, focusing in particular on access to resources, capacities for action, survival strategies, means of subsistence, the quest for meaning, and people's empowerment. - 2023/11